Achieve less complaints with a science-based approach
- You are really done with those pains in your body. No one understands the pain that you feel. And your condition doesn't show on the outside. It's not like you broke a leg or anything.
- A good nights sleep is also hard to find nowadays. Because of those pains, but also because of your thoughts and concerns about tomorrow. You're scared... That uncertainty is killing!
- Meanwhile, the fatigue only increases. Due to your lack of sleep, the pains and because mentally you are also not doing that great anymore.
- Unfortunately, you also experience side effects of the medication. Even if it is only because it exhausts you. You feel, that although it helps, it also puts a toll on your body. You have a love-hate relationship with it. If only you could cut down. You are too young for this!
The condition gives you so much mental and physical stress. You'd like so much to go back to how it used to be.
What if it were possible, to reduce the pains... you can sleep better, and wake up with more energy?
What if you could get a taste of it, that "only more medication" is not going to be your future after all.
If only someone could take you by the hand and help you. You yourself have neither the strength nor the space in your head to figure it all out.

Imagine a day like this:
You wake up and realise, you actually slept just fine. You hardly feel any pain. What a start to the day!
Full of excitement, you decide to go for a gentle walk. Soon you notice that you are doing well and decide to go for a longer walk. How you missed just being able to walk!
Back home, you call your best friend and tell her, that you feel like finally going out again. You have a wonderfully carefree evening. You haven't been able to laugh and enjoy yourself this fully in a long time!
The day after, you experience some aches and pains, but they are not too bad and they quickly subside. Hurrah! And you wonder what else your adapted diet and lifestyle have in store for you and whether, if you persevere, you might be able to reduce your medication...
After 7 sessions, this day can become your reality!
After just two weeks, I noticed that I felt better.
Through the knowledge shared by Zsuzsi, I improved my diet and changed my lifestyle. After just two weeks, I noticed that I felt better. I now consciously choose things with vegetables, and I also drink more water and tea, no more chocolate milk. Zsuzsi can empathise with you, is pleasant to talk to, shows genuine interest, has a lot of knowledge and comes up with useful advice/tips on nutrition, but also for your lifestyle. – SUZAN
Permanent change is often not possible overnight. That really requires enormous perseverance and a lot of willpower. How nice to be guided by someone who knows what you are going through, supports you, listens to you and who inspires you to continue. And, by using the Being in Balance technology twice, we get to the core, the cause of the imbalance that led to the condition. These saboteurs can be (unconscious) limiting beliefs/thoughts, diet, sensitivities, electromagnetic radiation, etc., which lead to stress and reduced vitality, and ultimately to illness. According to scientific research, 90% of diseases are related to chronic stress. Illness is therefore the end stage of a process in which the saboteurs start clamoring for attention. That scream = the physical manifestation = complaint/disorder.
Therefore, in this program, you will receive:
1-on-1 help and counselling:
And that is not an unnecessary luxury. Because everyone is different, every body is different, and thus every approach is different. This means:
Personalised, tailored advice on:

One of the biggest challenges is changing dietary and lifestyle habits, eating patterns and letting go of certain beliefs. In my opinion, that can only be achieved if:
- You are aware of the effect of diet and lifestyle on your health and on the well-being of everything and everyone around you;
- You have and keep a clear understanding of the reason why you want this change, and why you are donig what you are doing;
- You get help and guidance, especially during the periods when you are not doing so well.
With this program, I offer that help, tools and support, from up-to-date knowledge and my own experience.
I feel that my body has become stronger, better nourished and that things are changing
I have been on Zsuzsi's nutritional advice for 4 weeks now, and I am already experiencing much more energy, no more afternoon dips, and less cravings for snacking and snacks. I also lost a bit of weight. Even after exercising, I still have energy. And very nice, I no longer suffer from cold fingers and toes! I have never experienced this before! Furthermore, I am less bloated and I can skip a meal without any problems, without getting cravings and becoming hangry. What a peace of mind! I can't say much about reducing joint pains, because with the medication, I haven't suffered from them for a while. But I feel my body has become stronger, better nourished and things are changing. I am quite certain that this new lifestyle also has an effect on the arthritic activity.– ANONIEM
If you have been well engaged on making lifestyle and nutritional changes, following my guidance, you are bound to see results regarding your symptoms. How much and how fast, of course, depends on your commitment and perseverance.

After having concluded this program:
- You know exactly which foods benefit and which harm you, so that you can always make a conscious choice.
- You have gained enough knowledge to better understand how the body works and why certain things in both food and lifestyle work for or against you.
- Do you know which natural supplements are important to you (can also be tested with the Being in Balance technology). And you understand the reason why.
- You know which natural supplements are important for you. And you understand the reason why.
- You feel your energy increasing, because you sleep better and because you feed your body both physically and mentally with helping factors.
- You understand where your triggers are, and you have strategies in your pocket with which you can slowly but surely reduce most triggers or have learned how to react differently to them.
- You have skills to prepare tasty and healthy meals using natural products.
- You can do more and more of what you love! This too will give you energy and joy.
My goal is to ensure, that eventually you will be
able to stand literally and figurally
on your own two feet.
I have been living without pain, without active inflammation (and without medication) for 3 years now. My first step was to adjust my diet. How fast I noticed a difference I found truly amazing! In the years that followed, I started to read and study more and more, looking for all the aspects, that can play a role in the development of Psoriatic Arthritis. Stress and gut health turned out to be two key players. To understand even more about it, I also took a course in Applied Stressology and several advanced courses on gut health.
What also turned out not to be underestimated is the power of limiting unconscious beliefs. What do we (unconsciously) tell ourselves? What emotions and behaviors do they have? These are psycho-emotional imprints that make and keep us sick if we do not address them. That is why I invested in the Being in Balance coachings-training based on quantum physics at the beginning of 2024. This allows me to quickly get to the core of the cause and immediately start working on these unconscious limiting beliefs and other stressors that cause imbalance, including nutrition. Because what if broccoli is an issue for you? We can then do that immediately. Eliminate for 6 to 8 weeks.

Much of what I learned I apply in my own life, with results. This makes me not only an expert by experience on the condition itself, but also in applying the various methods. It's nice to have someone guide you, that actually does herself what she advises. This way, I can help you optimally based on understanding, experience, passion and scientific foundation.
So that you can experience just as I did, that it is possible to break the vicious cycle.
Note; conducting the sessions online is naturally possible.
I would just as much like to see you in the practice or walking in Rijswijk in the park or forest. Whatever works best for you!
Zsuzsi's tailor-made advice for both diet and lifestyle, and her tasty recipes have reduced symptoms in a short time. I look forward to seeing what the future holds!
In my search for what I could do myself, I read that diet and lifestyle could make a difference. I soon knocked on Zsuzsi's door. She gave me a lot of confidence by taking her time and working in a goal-oriented way with tailor-made advice. Especially the fact that Zsuzsi is an expert by experience and has already experimented so much with nutrition gave me a lot of confidence in her. Moreover, she is a hugely empathetic person. You feel that she genuinely wants to help you. Zsuzsi's tailor-made advice for both diet and lifestyle, and her tasty recipes have reduced symptoms in a short time. I look forward to seeing what the future holds! - NATALIE
And now you wonder: super cool, I definitely want to give this a shot... but what will it cost?
Remember, you are going to invest in your health. If you have this condition, like me, you've probably discovered that your health is your most valuable asset. And you have probably said to yourself countless times, "I would give anything to be healthy again and to get rid of the pains". I for one, have thought and said this many times. So...
To start off with the investment in time: you will be of course spending fun time in the kitchen every day. You will become increasingly comfortable with it, though, and thus faster. Our sessions last 1 hour. The first however two hours, because we will immediately perform the first Being in Balance QuickScan and discuss the intake form. You will also work weekly to create awareness, to discover your patterns and stressors and then to change them. Of course, you also want to do some exercise and relaxation/mindfulness every day. If you are already doing these things, you will not have to invest extra time in them.
The investment in the form of thank-you notes, so that YOU can take control of your health is €937,-. You can also choose to invest in 5 terms of €192,- per term*.
Investing in yourself means daring to choose for yourself!

* All prices are exempt from VAT. Meaning, what you see, is the total amount you invest in yourself. If you pay in one go, you will receive a €28 discount.
Do you think, "I want to, but I don't live nearby"? NO PROBLEM!
Exactly, because we consist of energy and because we have to deal with the laws of quantum physics, including: quantum entanglement and non-locality. In other words, everything (mass or energy) that has had contact with each other, remains forever energetically and informationally connected. And distance does not matter: regardless of the distance, that connection remains!! Distance & time are things that our brain has created, because it is so challenging to understand the world differently.
Hair, saliva and skin are enough to make the measurement. Because physical matter, based on the laws of quantum physics, remains connected to humans. For example, the customer sends a piece of hair. The hair goes into the cell analysis box and the biophotons are sent there. This method of scanning based on organic material is also medically recognized!!!
REVIEW from a client I scanned online using a strand of hair:
"Thank you for the very nice conversation, it helped me a lot, I am getting to know myself better, thanks to you. I found it very enlightening, and very pleasant with you. It was very personal and intimate, it's amazing how much the scan can show. It was good for me to to get certain things confirmed.” - Anonymously

You can do it! We haven't met yet, but I am certain!
Just as it had worked for me, and is doing so for an ever-growing group of people.
I am ready, if you are too.
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